Last Sunday some of the kids had fun on the ice and it looks like we survived without any mishaps!
A few amusing points from Dave (Michael's father, aka Instructor):
1. This is the first time that I've heard 44lb granite curling rocks referred to as "big hockey pucks".
2. In curling, we use teflon "sliders" under one foot when delivering ("shooting") rocks down the ice. I've never known sliders to be used anywhere other than under your sliding foot ... however, the boys learned very quickly that if they sat on them, they could go sliding down the ice on their bums with ease.
3. I've never known anyone to try "riding" a spinning curling rock down a sheet of ice ... until yesterday (where I actually observed this first-hand).
Anyway, I just thought I would let the parents know that all the kids were very well behaved (even with the innovative on-ice techniques that were discovered yesterday) and it was a pleasure to teach them a bit about the sport of curling.
Dallas, Julian & Kaelan, Michael, Misha & Martin, Nicolas, Tyler & Josh.